This very sweaty robot measures how heat affects humans
There is still much to be known about the impacts of extreme temperatures on the human body, but researchers can’t conduct risky experiments on people to find the answers they seek. But they do that with ANDI, a robot designed and equipped with technology that simulates bodily responses to heat, like sweating. ANDI’s sensors can measure variables that affect the human body’s reactions to heat and related environmental conditions. Research leader Konrad Rykaczewski, an associate professor in ASU’s School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy, part of the Fulton Schools, says ANDI can give us ideas on designing clothing or even exoskeleton backpacks to help wearers better endure hot conditions. See an earlier post on this page dated May 25.
See Also: ANDI the ‘manikin’ is new human-like tool to help understand how people respond to heat, 12 News NBC-Phoenix, June 12
Meet ANDI, world’s first outdoor sweating, breathing, and walking manikin, Inceptive Mind, June 12
This is The First-Ever Robot That Can Breathe, Sweat and Walk, Wonderful Engineering, June 12
Scientists bring out a breathing, sweating manikin, BreathingLabs, June 11
Scientists create the world’s first outdoor walking manikin that sweats, shivers and breathes like a human, Daily Mail, June 9
Ever met a sweaty robot? The Hustle, June 9
This ‘Sweating’ Robot Explores The Science Of Human Perspiration, India Times, June 8
Andoids Get Hot And Sweaty For Science, Medical Republic, June 8
Meet ASU’s new research tool: ANDI the thermal manikin, 3TV/CBS 5-Phoenix, June 7
ASU creates sweating mannequin for extreme heat study, KGUN9 News (Tucson), June 7
Scientists invent first ever ‘breathing, sweating, shivering’ robot, The Independent (UK), and in Yahoo News, also in UNILAD June 7
Scientists Finally Invented Robot That Can Sweat Heavily, Futurism, June 6
ANDI, the thermal dummy aiding research on heat-related illnesses, WION, June 3
Manikin used to study effects of extreme heat on humans, Fox 10 News, June 2
More news coverage: Science Times, Tech Times, Interesting Engineering, Geo News, Ruetir, 12News Witchita KS, 6 WBRC Brimingham AL, Live5 WCSC Charleston SC, Fox5 Vegas, KGNS Laredo TX , 6News WOWT Omaha NE, Fox8 New Orleans LA, KNEP NBC Scottsbluff NE, Pro Pakistani, SAMAA, India Times, Independent (UK), Yahoo! News, LAD Bible, Express (UK), Daily Star, Unilad, Giant Freakin Robot, The Local Report,