Engineering student advisor earns top university award
February 4, 2008
Lauren Levin, an academic advisor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering, has won one of Arizona State University’s annual Excellence in Advising Awards.
Given by the Council of Academic Advisors, ASU Parents Association and the ASU Provost’s Office and Career Services Office, the award recognizes advisors whose work demonstrates effectiveness in recruiting and retaining students, and guiding them to success in their academic careers.
Advisors are evaluated as well on their efforts to reach out to students, making them aware of scholarships, resources and services that can aid them in their education.
Awards are given in five categories for advisors and advisor-support staff. Levin won in the Experienced Advisor category.
Levin also is being nominated for a similar award to be given by the National Academic Advising Association.
“I feel like this is an award that reflects on all of us who do advising at ASU,” Levin says. “It’s good to have the administration’s support in this way through the Parents Association.”
She will receive the award at a Feb. 13 ceremony at the Virginia G. Piper Auditorium on the Phoenix Biomedical Campus.
The civil and environment engineering department has seen notably higher student recruitment and retention as a result of Levin’s efforts, says Anna Yi, associate director of the engineering school’s office of Academic and Students Affairs.
“She is a mentor and role model to her staff and she has taken the initiative in sharing her advising skills and experience with colleagues,” Yi says. “She never loses sight of the goal of guiding students toward the opportunities that will lead to an effective education and successful careers.”
Levin is serving on the newly created university provost office’s Advisory Council and Student Advising.
“I like getting a chance to represent the engineering school on this university-wide council,” she says. “I think student advising is one of the strengths of the engineering school.”
Levin has been with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering for two years and now coordinates its advising center. Previously, she worked for more than three years in advising for the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
She has a Ph.D. in family studies and human development from the University of Arizona.