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Fulton Schools: In the News

The Man Who Makes Water From Thin Air Wins Half-A-Million Dollar Prize

The Man Who Makes Water From Thin Air Wins Half-A-Million Dollar Prize

The Lemelson-MIT Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology awarded Cody Friesen its annual $500,000 prize for inventions that can improve the quality of life for people around the world. Friesen, a Fulton Schools associate professor of materials science and engineering, founded Fluidic Energy and Zero Mass Water, companies that provide rechargeable batteries to power electric grids in emergency situations and solar energy panels that can produce drinkable water by absorbing water molecules from the air. So far, the technology has helped to deliver water to communities in more than 30 countries.

See Also: MIT honors alumnus for innovations in drinking water, battery technologies, Boston Globe, September 18

Arizona engineer, inventor wins $500,000 prize for water-air tech, KTAR News, September 19

Cody Friesen PhD ’04 awarded $500,000 Lemelson-MIT Prize, MIT News, September 18

ASU professor, startup founder wins $500,000 for panels that create water from air, sunlight, Phoenix Business Journal, September 18 (Subscriber access only)

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