Elon Musk faces skeptics as Tesla gets ready to unveil ‘Optimus’ robot
Making more advanced self-driving electric vehicles may not be the ultimate achievement of Elon Musk’s innovative Tesla, Inc. electric automobile company. He now envisions producing humanoid robots. The idea is for thousands of robots to work in Tesla’s factories and later put millions of them in various industrial operations and eventually into homes. Some robotics experts and engineers are skeptical about Musk’s grandiose vision, including Nancy Cooke, a Fulton Schools professor of human systems engineering and director of ASU’s Center for Human, AI, and Robot Teaming. To make revolutionary progress, robots would need to be capable of doing more than physical tasks, no matter how efficiently they do them, Cooke says. She is quoted in other versions of the story published in CNBC News, CarScoops, TESLARATI, Reuters, Coinspeaker, and The Gazette (Colorado), Interesting Engineering, UK News Today, Auto Evolution, The Next Hint, KGUN-ABC News (Tucson) Screenshot Media, Entrepreneur, Startup to Enterprise, Analytics Insight, ModularPhoneForum, VOA.