Electric cars generate interest as gas prices soar
There’s growing consensus among business communities, industry leaders and government policy makers about the necessity of transitioning from motor vehicles that emit greenhouses gases to more environmentally sustainable automobiles powered by electricity. Despite that realization, there are many steps that need to be taken to make that transition effectively, says Fulton Schools Research Professor Steven Polzin, a former senior adviser in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology at the U.S. Department of Transportation. Infrastructure must be put in place to provide adequate charging stations and other services for electric vehicles, along with establishing regulatory standards, price regulations, and safety and maintenance standards to support electrification, Polzin says. To adequately produce a positive environmental impact, he adds, the transition to electricity must go beyond household vehicles to trucks, buses, delivery vans and other kinds of large and numerous commercial and industrial motor vehicles. (Access to the full content of the Arizona Capitol Times is available only to subscribers.)