CHART-ing the future of space exploration
People, robots and artificial intelligence technology will be able to collaborate more effectively if researchers in ASU’s General Human Operation of Systems as Teams Lab, also known as GHOST, are successful. Constructed by ASU’s Center for Human, Artificial and Robot Teaming, or CHART, the GHOST Lab is a center of activity for research aiming to make advances enabling productive interactions between AI, robots and humans in health care, manufacturing and transportation, as well as in defense technologies and space exploration. The research is led by CHART’s director, Fulton Schools Professor Nancy Cooke. A cognitive psychologist, Cooke is applying her expertise in human teamwork and decision-making to human-technology teamwork — including collaborating on space missions. There’s much room for improvement in the capabilities of robotic and AI technologies to work successfully with people in a variety of situations, Cooke says. But it’s a critically needed step forward that could determine if humans make any significant progress in space exploration in years to come.