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Fulton Schools: In the News

ASU study shows extreme heat’s impact on society

ASU study shows extreme heat’s impact on society

As Arizona experiences a summer of record-breaking desert heat, researchers in the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, part of the Fulton Schools, are continuing to report more findings about a multitude of ways extreme heat impacts many aspects of peoples’ lives and influences their behavior and choices in significant ways. Professor Ram Pendyala, the school’s director, emphasizes how the heat curtails shopping, recreational activities and general socialization in communities and more seriously impacts lower-income populations. These and other issues should prompt cities and growing urban areas to take steps to shield people from unavoidable and prolonged exposure to summer heat, Pendyala says.

See also: How Heat Waves Are Rewriting Urban Routines, E+E Leader (Environmental Energy Leader), October 2
How extreme heat changes our daily lives and travel habits, Knowridge, September 28

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