New Faculty Member, 2022–23
Tessa Etzioni
Lecturer, Graphic information technology
Graphic information technology students in The Polytechnic School, one of the seven schools in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University, can be assured that Lecturer Tessa Etzioni knows what they’re going through. Etzioni is an alumna of the same program in which she begins a new chapter of her career this fall.
Etzioni says she wanted to become a lecturer in the graphic information technology program to “teach fun, innovative, hands-on classes and be part of a forward-thinking community of educators.”
On top of graphic information technology expertise, Etzioni also has a master’s degree in educational technology from ASU, and has used her skills to design online courses at the university.
Before starting her new position with The Polytechnic School, Etzioni worked as an instructional designer in the W. P. Carey School of Business at ASU, in which she developed intuitive and accessible online courses by applying evidence-based pedagogical and design principles such as user experience factors and responsive design. She did similar work as an instructional professional in the graphic information technology program, so students in The Polytechnic School have already benefited from her work.
In all, Etzioni has more than 12 years of industry experience in imaging, design and technology. Besides her role as an instructional designer, Etzioni has been a web designer and freelance photographer. Her photography has been included in several magazines and art shows.
Etzioni values being part of an “ever-evolving field” throughout her extensive career in areas related to graphic information technology.
“There are always new technologies to explore and new problems to solve,” she says. “I am never bored!”
In the photography, web design and web development courses that Etzioni will teach in her new lecturer role, students will get to apply their knowledge to solve a variety of problems.
“Students should expect fun, challenging and hands-on courses that hone both their technical and creative-thinking skills,” she says.
Outside of design and photography, Etzioni is the founder of a horse sanctuary called C.A.R.E for Horses Foundation. In addition to providing care for at-risk horses, the privately operating foundation trains people who want a deeper relationship with equine friends.
Meet the newest faculty members of the Fulton Schools of Engineering here.
Written by Monique Clement