Faces of Fulton: Zoe Greco
Zoe Greco, a sophomore in mechanical engineering from Chandler, has a carrot tattooed on the inside of her lower lip.
“I’ve been vegetarian since the sixth grade because I didn’t like the idea of killing animals. Now I’m vegan. Why on the inside of my lip? I like secrets.”
Zoe was the team leader of the Shady Business team for her EPICS group.
“We are designing retractable shades that can be deployed from a lamp post using a solar element. We want to make Tempe a more walkable place.”
She thinks women often are intimidated in the engineering world because they’re outnumbered by the men. “In one class, my lab partners were another girl and two boys. The boys wouldn’t let us do anything until one day when they got stuck and I was able to give them the solution. Sometimes the girls just have to prove to the boys that they’re just as smart. We’re all engineers. It doesn’t matter if we’re men or women.”
Zoe hopes to go into the Peace Corps, eventually earn a master’s degree and do research at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, in Switzerland on alternative energy generation.