Allenby and Sarewitz book wins media ecology group’s award
The Techno-Human Condition, a book co-authored by ASU engineering professor Brad Allenby, has won the 2012 Lewis Mumford Award for Outstanding Scholarship in the Ecology of Technics.
The honor is presented by the nonprofit Media Ecology Association, which judges entries for its awards on “the quality of their scholarship on the nature, history, evolution, and effects of technology, technique, technical systems and technological societies, and their relevance to the field of media ecology, which is defined as the study of media as environments.”
Lewis Mumford, for whom the award is named, was a renowned historian, sociologist and philosopher of technology.
Allenby co-wrote The Techno-Human Condition with professor Daniel Sarewitz, co-director of the Consortium for Science Policy and Outcomes at ASU. It examines the ever more intricately entwined co-evolution of humans and modern technology.
Allenby is ASU’s Lincoln Professor of Engineering and Ethics, an ASU President’s Professor of civil, environmental and sustainable engineering, an associate director of the Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics, chair of the Consortium for Emerging Technologies, Military Operations, and National Security and director of the Center for Earth Systems Engineering and Management.
Read more about The Techno-Human Condition.