Building an energy corridor along the border instead of just a wall
An “energy park” that spans over almost 2,000 miles along the U.S.-Mexico border, with big installations of solar and wind power technologies, natural gas pipelines and desalination plants. Is the idea just too big and bold to take seriously? Not at all, says Fulton Schools Professor Ronald Adrian. He is part of a national consortium of 28 prominent engineers and scientists proposing such a vast industrial region on the border. Adrian says it could put large tracts of unused land to valuable use as sites for new energy and water facilities along with agriculture and industrial centers — a much more productive enterprise than building a big wall separating the two countries. Read more.
See Also: Bold Plan? Replace the Border Wall with an Energy–Water Corridor, Scientific American, February 14
Scientists Propose Energy Park Instead of Border Wall, Civil & Structural Engineer, March 6
Green wall! Plan calls for chain of alternative energy zones along border, World Tribune, March 10
Instead of a wall, what if we built an energy corridor? Enjoy Travelling and BIC Magazine, March 15
Scientists suggest it’s time to build a US-Mexico border wall, Smart Energy International, March 18
Could an Energy Park Secure the U.S. Mexico Border? Government Technology, March 22
U.S.-Mexico Energy Park Would Offer a Different Kind of Security, Inside Sources, April 15
The Engineers’ Plan for Creating Border Security With Clean Energy, The Atlantic, May 7