It takes an engineer to change the world

“ASU provides some of the most amazing opportunities. By participating in clubs, study abroad trips, research and excellent curriculum, I have met so many people and formed lasting bonds and connections that I don’t think would be possible otherwise.” Susanna Young
Susanna Young is a mechanical engineering undergraduate doing research she hopes will lead to better computer simulations of wind energy.
As part of ASU’s Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) program, Young is leading a team of engineering students to design a village for Malawi, Africa, using the retired but durable shipping containers lying idle in ports all over the world. Her team is using engineering technology to create shelter, clean water and healthcare facilities.
“The idea is to create a village out of these containers where the Malawians, particularly disabled people and women, will receive quality healthcare and learn vocational skills such as making wind turbines out of local materials,” says Young.
Young received the award as the most outstanding student in EPICS last year. “Susanna has an enthusiasm for making the world a better place, and the talent to back it up,” says Richard Filley, director of EPICS. “She’s an outstanding student, very refreshing. It’s exciting to watch her team work, to see these kinds of things happen.”
Susanna plans to graduate from ASU with both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in fluid dynamics, and then she may pursue her doctorate at Cornell, MIT or Purdue. She’s still fascinated with wind turbines.