Evan Hammac – Distinguished Graduate
Evan Hammac
B.S.E. in Aerospace Engineering
Graduated from Highland High School in Higley, Arizona
Originally from Towcester, England
Hammac participated in the Fulton Undergraduate Research Initiative (FURI) program for two semesters. He devised a new design for a force balance that works in a sub-sonic wind tunnel, and began constructing it. It’s now used to teach fellow students about aerodynamics.
What led you to choose to study engineering and to decide on the specific major you chose?
Ever since I can remember, I have been looking up at the stars and been fascinated by how the world works. Getting involved in engineering seemed the natural progression for my life.
What has been most rewarding about your undergraduate years at ASU? What has been most challenging?
The most rewarding experience at ASU would be without a doubt FURI. I learned so much about myself and about engineering. The most challenging thing has been learning to balance life with schoolwork.
Is there a professor who has been particularly instrumental in helping you grow as a student? How and in what way did they impact you?
Lecturer Benjamin Mertz has been instrumental in my success at ASU. He was my FURI mentor and prior to that my professor for a required course in my major. It was a conversation with him that first inspired me to engage in FURI.
What great engineering achievements would you most like to be part of making happen In the future?
My long-term career aspirations are to be instrumental in a large aerospace company. I don’t quite know exactly how, but I know once I get into industry I will make quite an impact. I see my future as a very bright one. My dream is to go into space.