Research briefs

defining transhumanism
What will it mean to the definition of human if new technologies can enhance the abilities of the human body—and mind—to unprecedented levels? And what if such technological enhancements are available to only a portion of the world’s population? Brad Allenby, professor in the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment and professor of law and the Lincoln Professor of Engineering Ethics for ASU’s Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics, discusses this in an interview with The Triple Helix.
restoring brain function
Stephen Helms Tillery, an assistant professor in the School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering, and his team are seeking ways to help people who have lost movement and communication due to severe brain disorders.
acid-reflux relief
Bruce Towe, a professor in the School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering, has teamed up with a local physician and entrepreneur to develop a device that promises relief for people who suffer from acid-reflux. The ultrasound-based technology, including a microchip small enough to fit into a syringe, might be effective in reducing pain caused by physical ailments and in treating neurological disorders.