ASU prof joins national radio show biofuels talk
Posted: May 04, 2010
Science Friday, the popular National Public Radio show, recently explored research on biofuels and the promise they hold as a viable additional source for energy and fuels.
Among experts interviewed by Science Friday host Ira Flatow was leading biofuels researcher and Arizona State University professor Bruce Rittman.
Rittmann directs the Center for Environmental Biotechnology in ASU’s Biodesign Center and teaches in the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, a part of ASU’s Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering.
He talks to Science Friday about the potential for using algae and cyanobacteria as sources for microbial fuel cells.
Click the link below. Look for the activation bar for an audio recording of program near the top left side of the web page.
Science Friday – National Public Radio
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