Trying to cool off neighborhoods with a new kind of road surface
Road pavement surfaces are where some of the most dramatic reflections of the urban heat island effect can be measured. In already hot Phoenix, temperatures on roads during summers can get as high as 180 degrees. ASU researchers are working with city officials to test what light-colored pavements can do to bring down the ambient heat on the streets. Fulton Schools Assistant Professor Ariane Middel, an urban climatologist, has been using her mobile meteorological sensing devices to help gauge changes in radiant temperatures on streets and in neighborhoods to test the effectiveness of various shading and other heat-reducing measures. In a video, Middel and fellow ASU researchers Assistant Professor Jennifer Vanos and doctoral student Florian Schneider give details about the combination of methods and techniques it will take to cool things down in the city during it hottest months. Phase two of their studies for Phoenix government officials will begin in the near future.
See Also: Here’s how cool pavement pilot program is impacting Phoenix, AZ Big Media, September 22
How America’s hottest city is trying to cool down, Vox (YouTube)
Ariane Middel contributed to the story.
Phoenix study finds cool pavement makes significant difference, KTAR News, September 20
Phoenix and ASU announce results of cool pavements study, Downtown Devil, September 20
Cool pavements research builds as temperatures rise, Smart Cities Dive, Sept 24