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Fulton Schools: In the News

Robotaxies debuted in two U.S, Cities, Only S.F. has a problem with it

Robotaxies debuted in two U.S, Cities, Only S.F. has a problem with it

San Francisco’s rollout of robotaxies revealed public tensions about the use of autonomous automobiles. The California city has, along with Phoenix, been a laboratory for how people react to riding in the self-driving vehicles or sharing the road with them in heavily trafficked urban areas. Phoenix has experienced various reactions, including some hostility, but overall reacted somewhat less negatively than San Francisco’s drivers. Acceptance has been a slow and cautious evolution, says Professor Ram Pendyala, the director of the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, part of the Fulton Schools, whose research includes transportation systems engineering and travel behavior analysis, but he foresees these vehicles someday being almost as commonly used as cell phones. (Access to the complete article is limited to subscribers.)

See Also: Feds asking if robotaxis pose a risk to pedestrians after several crashes, WHIO TV7, October 20

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