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Fulton Schools: In the News

Our View: Semiconductors offer a chance for Arizona to play an award-winning role

Our View: Semiconductors offer a chance for Arizona to play an award-winning role

In a guest column, Greater Phoenix Economic CEO Chris Camacho and Arizona Technology Council CEO Steve Zylstra urge Congress to quickly come to agreement on two key legislative bills that will help put Arizona into a leading national position in the production of computer chips. Camacho and Zystra write that the state already has the potential to attract global interest as a key hub of semiconductor chip manufacturing because of training resources that are creating a world-class talent pool in the field. They point specifically to expanded tech education offerings at ASU, which has added the School of Manufacturing Systems and Networks to its Fulton Schools of Engineering. Together with the MacroTechnology Works facilities at the ASU Research Park, a fabrication center advancing research and development in the semiconductor and related fields, the engineering schools are making the university a potentially robust springboard for next-generation semiconductors. (Access to the full content of the Phoenix Business Journal online is available only to subscribers.)

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