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Fulton Schools: In the News

Is ‘Expired’ Milk Safe to Drink? Here’s How to Know When to Throw Away Food

Is ‘Expired’ Milk Safe to Drink? Here’s How to Know When to Throw Away Food

Confused by the “sell by” and “used by” labels found on food packaging? Experts say most people are, and the confusion is causing a significant amount of food waste. One study found that close to half the produce, meat and dairy products some people buy is getting thrown out because of those labels. Fulton Schools Professor Rolf Halden, director of ASU’s Center for Environmental Health Engineering, says much of the food that has passed its “sell by” date is safe to eat. Humans have an innate ability to sense a lack of freshness with food through visual and tactile clues, along with our sense of smell, Halden says. But a practical remedy, he advises, is to buy no more food than you will realistically eat before its gets old and freeze foods to preserve them for longer periods of time.

See Also: To toss or not? Knowing when ‘expired’ really means expired, ASU NOW, February 24

Knowing when ‘expired’ label dates really means expired, AZ Big Media, February 25

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