DARPA Moves Forward With Project To Revolutionize Satellite Communication
Significant advances in communications between low orbiting satellites are expected from a new research endeavor led by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. The goal is to create an “internet” of low-Earth orbit satellites, enabling seamless communications between military, government, commercial and civilian satellites. The project could have a broad impact that would eventually benefit many social and commercial ventures, says Fulton Schools Professor Daniel Bliss, director of ASU’s Center for Wireless Information Systems and Computational Architectures. Bliss thinks this can be accomplished in ways that maximize the abilities of advanced technologies while still minimizing the security risks to space communications systems.
See Also The Pentagon wants to develop a network of space lasers to improve secure communications, Fast Company, August 23
Fulton Schools Professor Professor Daniel Bliss is involved in some of the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency research described in the article. See the reference to Arizona State University.