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Fulton Schools: In the News

Can a mechanical ‘tree’ help slow climate change? An ASU researcher built one to find out

Can a mechanical ‘tree’ help slow climate change? An ASU researcher built one to find out

A pioneering effort by Fulton Schools Professor Klaus Lackner (pictured) and his team at ASU’s Center for Negative Carbon Emissions  has provided the carbon capturing technology called the Mechanical Tree. It is touted for its ability to absorb large amounts carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and thus become a major tool to help curb climate change that could threaten some dire consequences for the Earth’s environment. Lackner is now working with Dublin-based Carbon Collect Ltd. to make the mechanical trees commercially available. Carbon Collect has a U.S. Department of Energy grant to design three large carbon capture farms in the American South, Midwest and West. Lackner says carbon capture technologies are necessary to balance the Earth’s carbon budget and help the world stay below 2 degrees of global warming. Growing use of the Mechanical Trees and similar systems might also encourage major polluters to start using carbon capture systems.

See Also: Mechanical ‘tree’ planted at Arizona State University in hopes of fighting climate change, KTAR News, April 22

Mechanical ‘tree’ at Arizona State University built to help fight climate change, FOX Weather, April 28

Chemistry in Pictures: Mechanical Trees, Chemical & Engineering News, April 29

Carbon Collect Unveils Mechanicaltree™ In Partnership With Arizona State University – Watts Up With That? Soft Educator, April 25
The article was also published in Newsplaneta, Waseca Foods, 6Park News/Arizona and Science X Network

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