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Fulton Schools: In the News

Bill Gates and Blackrock Are Backing the Start-Up Behind Hydropanels That Make Water Out of Thin Air

Bill Gates and Blackrock Are Backing the Start-Up Behind Hydropanels That Make Water Out of Thin Air

Bill Gates’ Breakthrough Energy Ventures, along with the BlackRockDuke Energy and Lightsmith Group companies are investing in Source Global, whose CEO is Fulton Schools Associate Professor Cody Friesen. His company has developed solar energy hydropanels that can draw water from moisture in the air. He invented the panels in 2014 through his research in the Fulton Schools. Using the sun’s heat, the system converts molecules into liquid water, which is collected in a reservoir inside the panel and then released as pure water. The hydropanels are currently installed in 52 countries in hundreds of separate projects. The technology enables water to be produced through the panels installed at homes, schools and throughout communities, Friesen says. The World Health Organization estimates that half the world’s population will be living in water-stressed areas in the near future, which will provide a large market for ventures that can produce water on site instead of through large utility infrastructure systems, Friesen says.

See Also: Bill Gates backs an Arizona-based startup that makes water out of thin air, Interesting Engineering, March 29

SOURCE Global Isn’t Publicly Traded, but Its Tech Will Be in High Demand, Market Realist, Market Realist, March 29

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