Beyond silicon: $1.5 billion U.S. program aims to spur new types of computer chips
Fulton Schools Associate Professor Daniel Bliss has a leading role in one of numerous new projects supported by the U.S. Department of Defense’s research agency to ignite progress toward the next generation of computer chips. The aim is to make computing more powerful and more energy efficient. New chips to speed up computer processing could spark a big wave of innovation in a wide range of technologies. Bliss will focus on advancing computer chip architecture, with an eye on improving the performance of communications technologies. Read more about his new research project, Designing the computational architecture of the future.
See also: DARPA chooses teams for $1.5 billion electronics initiative, National Defense magazine, July 24
DARPA picks its first set of winners in Electronics Resurgence Initiative, IEEE Spectrum, July 24
DARPA selects teams for $1.5 billion eletronics effort, Signal magazine, July 25
DARPA selects teams to unleash power of specialized, reconfigurable computing hardware, Electronic Component News, July 25
ASU, UA awarded grants to expand computing technology, KJZZ (NPR), July 25
Chipmakers look past Moore’s law, and silicon, Science, July 27