BEMA Continues Successful Partnership With Arizona State University for Convention 2024
For a third year, the Bakery Equipment Manufacturers and Allieds, or BEMA, organization, will partner with the Fulton Schools to bring together leading scholars in manufacturing education and members of BEMA, an international not-for-profit trade association representing major bakery and food suppliers. Professor Binil Starly, director of the School of Manufacturing Systems and Networks, part of the Fulton Schools, and Farhad Ameri, an associate professor in the school, will be sharing the latest research findings and other knowledge of interest to leaders of the bakery and food suppliers’ industry. Starly is among the 20 most influential professors in smart manufacturing named by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Ameri’s expertise is in Knowledge-based Engineering, or KBE, in design and manufacturing applications, digital supply chains and related fields.