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ASU professor on the plausibility of Elon Musk’s brain implant plans

ASU professor on the plausibility of Elon Musk’s brain implant plans

Prominent entrepreneur Elon Musk has a new startup venture in the works, one that will necessitate application of advances in brain computer interface technologies. Plans are for the company, Neuralink, to provide chips that can be planted into the brain that would be capable of helping to restore vision, mobility and possibly other related physical abilities. Neural engineer and neuroscientist Bradley Greger, an associate professor in the School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering, a part of the Fulton Schools, says some of Musk’s goals are not out of reach based on progress in such technologies in recent years, but others likely will take many years and many scientific and biomedical engineering resources to fully realize. Image from iStock/Getty Images

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