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Fulton Schools: In the News

Arizona State University Chosen as Site for Groundbreaking Semiconductor R&D Facility Under CHIPS for America Program

Arizona State University Chosen as Site for Groundbreaking Semiconductor R&D Facility Under CHIPS for America Program

Arizona’s status in the high-tech industry leader took a big leap with the announcement of that ASU has been chosen as the site for a major CHIPS for America research and development facility expected  to contribute to pioneering work in the field. As a venture designed to be a cornerstone in U.S efforts to regain a global lead in digital technologies, the facility will focus on semiconductor research and advanced packaging prototyping. The project could create hundreds of new job opportunities and billions of dollars in investments. The Fulton Schools will be supporting the facility. Read more in a post dated January 6 below linking to an ASU News article.

See also: ASU Chosen as Home for CHIPS and Science Act-Funded National Semiconductor Packaging Facility, formfees, January 17

ASU selected as home and partner for CHIPS and Science Act-funded national lab for semiconductor advanced packaging, The Manufacturer, January 16

ASU gets $1.2B for semiconductor research, development, Wrangler News Independent, Janury 16

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