Arizona cattle rancher uses engineering background to breed better beef
During more than three decades at ASU, Charles Backus taught electrical engineering, helped boost the university’s stature as a research institution and shaped the foundations of ASU’s Polytechnic campus. At the same time, he was building and running a cattle ranch on the rough terrain of the high desert on the far outskirts of the Phoenix metro area. Today, Backus’ success as a rancher is drawing attention for his application of science and engineering to the care and management of his growing cattle herd. Using genetic selection, artificial insemination, non-hormone, non-antibiotic feeding programs and humane treatment of his animals, the ranch is producing beef of exceptional quality. Backus is paving the way for an advanced approach to ranching that is especially suited to the Southwest’s desert environment.
See Also: Arizona rancher uses science to raise healthy beef,, March 24